Dr Georgina Cooke

Dr Georgina Cooke PhD supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray & Prof N Chao Primarily, I am interested in how DNA can be used to address fundamental questions in evolutionary biology. In 2011 I completed my PhD (Macquarie University, Sydney) studying the origin of Amazonian fish diversity.  Using a range of molecular markers and analytical approaches, I […]

Dr Shannon Corrigan

Dr Shannon Corrigan PhD supervisor: Prof L Beheregaray I am fascinated by the evolution and natural history of marine organisms. I have broad research interests in evolutionary ecology, biogeography and conservation biology, particularly of chondrichthyan fishes. I aim to use modern DNA technology to study the processes that drive population divergence and ultimately, speciation in […]

Dr Fernando Diaz-Aguirre

Dr Fernando Diaz-Aguirre PhD Supervisors: A/Prof Luciana Möller and Dr Guido Parra My experience in cetacean research dates back to 2003 when I started collaborating in different projects related with the behaviour and ecology of common bottlenose dolphins, Chilean dolphins and fin whales. After participating in these projects, I realized how amazing was to be […]

Dr Fabricius Domingos

Dr Fabricius Domingos PhD supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray and Prof G Colli (UNB, BRazil) I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences and a Master’s in Ecology, both by the University of Brasília (Brazil). I recently graduated from my  PhD at the Molecular Ecology Lab at Flinders University. Before enrolling in my PhD I was […]

Dr Leanne Faulks

Dr Leanne Faulks PhD supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray & Dr D Gilligan (DPI NSW) My passion for the natural world no doubt started with family camping holidays around Australia, David Attenborough documentaires and childhood dreams of being a park ranger or marine biologist. Although time may have altered my ’dream job’, my interest in all […]

Dr Pedro Fruet

Dr Pedro Fruet D Supervisors: Dr L Moller & Dr E Secchi (University of Rio Grande, Brazil). My general research interest is focused on population ecology of cetaceans and their interaction with human activities. I have special curiosity in understanding the population dynamics of coastal dolphins and how human activities affect their viability. During my […]

Dr Shannon Loughnan

Dr Shannon Loughnan PhD supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray & Dr N Robinson Following the completion of a science degree at Deakin University Warrnambool Australia in 2002, I graduated with honours in the molecular biology field.  A library of genetic markers for Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii was developed for my honours, to assist in both conservation and […]

Dr Chris Muller

Dr Chris Muller PhD supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray & Prof L Hughes My research interests include the taxonomy and evolution of Indo-Pacific butterflies, island biogeography and phylogenetics. I am an economic geologist by profession, hence the interplay of tectonics and diversification has been my key focus. My PhD (completed in 2011 under Prof. Luciano Beheregaray) […]

Dr Eleanor Pratt

Dr Eleanor Pratt PhD supervisors: A/Prof L Möller and Prof L Beheregaray Despite growing up on a farm without an ocean in sight, I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a marine biologist. Driven by my interest in the Great Barrier Reef, I moved to Townsville, Queensland in 2012 to complete my Bachelor of […]

Dr Jimena Rodriguez-Zarate

Dr Jimena Rodriguez-Zarate PhD supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray & Dr L Moller My interests are in the areas of ecology, population genetics and wildlife conservation. I am interested in research that can be successfully incorporated into conservation practices of endangered species. I am currently interested in the integration of biological, ecological and genetic data to […]