Dr Shannon Loughnan

PhD supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray & Dr N Robinson

Following the completion of a science degree at Deakin University Warrnambool Australia in 2002, I graduated with honours in the molecular biology field.  A library of genetic markers for Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii was developed for my honours, to assist in both conservation and aquaculture practices.  Since then I have been employed with the Department of Primary Industries in Victoria, as part of the molecular genetics platform investigating green and black lip abalone (Haliotus laevigata and H. rubra).  More specifically, the examination of quantitative traits linked to growth under captive culture.

 I have also been fortunate enough to have travelled through parts of Latin America, not only fulfilling personal research in reference to the ornamental fish industry but also determining fish identification and correlating fish species to habitat structure.

 As well as fish ecology, my research interests also extend to sustainable aquaculture production, which entails my current PhD project; The capturing and maintenance of genetic variation when initiating selective breeding programs for aquaculture.  The species of interest for the study include barramundi Lates calcarifer and yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi, with a focus on both quantitative and molecular genetic techniques.

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Refereed Journals

– Baranski M, Rourke M, Hayes B, Loughnan S, Austin C and Robinson N. (2008) Detection of QTL for growth rate in the blacklip abalone (Haliotus rubra Leach) using selective DNA pooling. Animal Genetics 39, 606-614.

– Baranski M, Loughnan S, Austin C and Robinson N. (2006) A microsatellite linkage map of the blacklip abalone, Haliotus rubraAnimal Genetics 37, 563-570.

– Baranski M, Rourke M, Loughnan S, Austin C and Robinson N. (2006) Isolation and characterization of 125 microsatellite DNA markers in the blacklip abalone, Haliotus rubraMolecular Ecology Notes 6 (3), 740-746.

– Loughnan S, Baranski M, Robinson N, Jones P and Burridge C. (2004) Microsatellite loci for studies of wild and hatchery Australian Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii (Percichthyidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 4 (3), 382-384.


Industry Publications

– Baranski M and Loughnan S. (2005) Application of advanced genetic techniques to abalone breeding. In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Abalone Aquaculture Workshop, August 2005, McLaren Vale, Australia. Fleming, A.E. (Editor). Abalone Aquaculture Subprogram, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia. pp. 13-23.

 – Baranski M, Hayes B, Rourke M, Loughnan S, Robinson N and Goddard M. (2004) Application of advanced genetic techniques to abalone breeding. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Abalone Aquaculture Workshop, July 2004, Hobart, Australia. Fleming, A.E. (Editor). Abalone Aquaculture Subprogram, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, Australia. pp. 23-38.

 – Baranski M, Rourke M, Loughnan S, Hayes B, Austin C and Robinson N. (2004) Finding gene markers to enhance abalone aquaculture production in Australia. Aquaculture Europe 2004: Biotechnologies for Quality. Barcelona, Spain. European Aquaculture Society. pp 142-143.

National and International Magazines

– Loughnan S. (2010) The fish habitats of a Peruvian Amazon river, Part 1. Tropical Fish Hobbyist June.

– Loughnan S. (2010) The fish habitats of a Peruvian Amazon river, Part 2. Tropical Fish HobbyistJuly.

 – Loughnan S. (2009) Aequidens tetramerus, a cichlid of many disguises. The Cichlid Monthly, Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated. October.

 – Loughnan S. (2009) Investigating the wild fisheries of Central and South America, with emphasis on Cichlidae. The Cichlid Monthly, Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated. September.

 – Loughnan S. (2008) Searching for Tefé discus in the Brazilian Amazon. Tropical Fish Hobbyist. March LVI (7, 624), 100-106.

 – Loughnan S. (2007) The cichlid diversity of a volcanic Nicaraguan island. Tropical Fish Hobbyist. August LV (12, 617), 96-102.