Prof. Luciano Beheregaray was the researcher selected to represent Flinders University at the Australian Research Council (ARC) Major Grants Expo. The expo was held in the Great Hall of the Parliament House, Canberra, on the 1st of November 2011. Prof Beheregaray attended the expo along with the Director of Research Services, Dr Gayle Morris.
Research findings and current projects of the Molecular Ecology Lab were on display – especially our project about reducing extinction risk of endangered fishes from the lower Murray River. As part of the Flinders presentation, a gift of a Haigh’s chocolate fish was presented to Senator Carr, former Minister for Science and Innovation and to Prof. Margaret Shiels, Chief Executive Officer of the ARC. Senator Carr, a keen fisherman, was quite interested in the research being produced at Flinders.
We also distributed a ‘Native Fish Identification’ card (developed for the Expo by the Research Services Office and the Marketing and Communications Office). The card proved to be quite popular with the groups of Canberra schoolchildren who also attended the Expo.
News source: Flinders Inspiring Research, December 2011