Dr Kim Shaddick

Dr Kim Shaddick PhD supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray, Dr D Gilligan (DPI NSW) & Prof D Briscoe (Macquarie) Kim completed her PhD in the lab in 2011, working on the phylogeography, conservation genetics and management of Australian Bass and Estuary Perch in southeastern Australia. This was part of an ARC Linkage project based in the […]

Dr Joanna Wiszniewski

Dr Joanna Wiszniewski PhD supervisors: Dr L Moller & Prof L Beheregaray Broadly, my research interest focuses on behavioural ecology, population genetics and conservation biology. I am particularly interested in the social behaviour and male mating strategies of marine mammals and the evolutionary processes that shape population structure of these species. My post-doc project at […]

Dr Nikki Zanardo

Dr Nikki Zanardo PhD supervisors: A/Prof Luciana Möller and Dr Guido Parra I have always been quite fond of nature and at a young age I developed a strong passion for marine mammals. I believe that this can be attributed to growing up in Adelaide, with the Port River dolphins in such close reach. It is this passion that […]