– Seascape genomics, connectivity and adaptation to climate change in the abalone Haliotis roei.
– Seascape genetics and connectivity of the black nerite snail (Nerita) in Australia.
– DNA barcoding of benthic and pelagic organisms in the Great Australian Bight.
– Conservation genomics of blue whales.
– Seascape genetics and climate-change driven expansion of the sea-urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii.
– Connectivity, ecological genomics and management units in the abalone Haliotis laevigata.
– Global phylogeography and taxonomy of a widespread marine ecosystem engineer, the tunicate Pyura.
– Historical demography and hybridization in blue whales.
– Population genetics and connectivity of bottlenose dolphins in Australia.
– Conservation genetics and connectivity of common dolphins in Australia.
– Seascape genetics of olive ridley turtles from the eastern Pacific.
– Population genetics and phylogeography of bottlenose dolphins in the South Atlantic Ocean.
– Ecological speciation and conservation genetics of elasmobranchs in the Gulf of California.
– Seascape genetics and connectivity of limpets (Siphonaria)in Australia.
– Seascape genetics and connectivity of tunicates (Pyura)in Australia.
– Comparative phylogeography and population genetics of wobbegong sharks in Australia.
– Conservation genetics and social structure of sperm whales.
– Global seascape genetics, connectivity and phylogeography of common dolphins (Delphinus).
– DNA tags and satellite tracks of the ‘Vulnerable’ shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus).
– Phylogeny and taxonomy of dolphins (Delphininae).
– Phylogeography and speciation of limpets in southern Africa.
– Conservation genetics and connectivity of southern African over-exploited sparid fishes.
– Population genetics of Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata.
– Evolution and biogeography of sea-horses.
– Phylogeography and population genetics of the catadromous estuary perch, Macquaria colonorum.