Emilee Cooper

Honours supervisors: Prof L Beheregaray, Dr C Brauer and Dr J Sandoval-Castillo

From a young age, I have always been passionate about nature and conservation. This interest led me to pursue my first degree in Animal Behaviour at Flinders University, where I developed a deep love for fieldwork and conservation, with trips to South Africa and throughout South Australia. In 2018, I moved to Queensland, and in 2021, I decided to pursue a second degree in Animal Ecology at the University of the Sunshine Coast. During this degree, I discovered my fascination with genetics. Upon completing my degree, I reached out to Luciano Beheregaray to join the Molecular Lab for an honours project in 2024. Now, I am focused on using population genomics to study hybridisation in tropical rainbowfish. My research aims to use whole-genome data to conduct a spatial analysis of the tropical rainbowfish radiation in the Atherton Tablelands and assess the temporal stability of any identified hybrid zone.

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